Navigation: Dashboard > Menu > Guide Roster
What is an AnyCreek guide roster?
Whether you are an individual guide, outfitter, or fly shop, you are able to add your guide network to AnyCreek.
If you have traditionally assigned or referred trips as an outfitter or Fly Shop, this is where you will create the initial connection for you to be able to do that more seamlessly.
How do I add guides to my roster?
Will the guide I invited be notified?
When you invite a guide, the invited guide will receive a text and e-mail notification inviting them to the platform on your behalf. This will prompt them to connect their bank account information to receive payment.
What do the statuses in the guide roster mean?
Best practice:
should I let them know this is coming?
Does my guide need their own AnyCreek Profile?
Is there a limit to how many guides I can have on my roster?