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Invited Guide Handbook

You've been invited by a guide or outfitter to join their roster on AnyCreek... now what?

Benjamin Lazarov avatar
Written by Benjamin Lazarov
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

1. Welcome!

You have been invited! Follow the steps below to make sure you get your account setup and running properly.

2. Account Setup

You should have received and email with a short 5-minute checklist. For a full walk through on the tasks, watch below. Please note the two callouts below!

  1. Setup your account: Make sure you use the same email address or phone number that you were invited by, and that your account and profile are setup correctly.

  2. Upload your guide profile image: Potential clients want to see who they’ll be fishing with! Go to "account" in the dropdown menu on the right-hand corner of the screen. Click "change photo" and then hit save.

  3. Double check your guide bio: This is what the clients will see first, so make sure it's accurate and true to you and your business.

  4. Add your payout information: If your outfitter will be referring trips, this will allow you to get paid via AnyCreek. You can choose to add your bank account or debit card information.

  1. Make sure you use the same email address or phone number that you were invited by, to ensure your invite is accepted and your account is linked with your outfitter.

  2. Your outfitter will either be assigning trips to you OR referring trips to you. You only need to setup your payout if your outfitter will be 'referring' trips out to you. Please ask your outfitter if this is a necessary or reach out to us for help.

3. What to Expect When You Are Assigned a Trip?

Watch the video below to learn what it looks like when you are assigned a trip and how to view booking details.

4. Helpful Tools

Learn how to create a one off invoice to charge clients if they want to extend their trip day of or tip you by credit card, for example!

Mobile View:

Desktop View:

5. Further Questions or Feedback

Are you stuck or have some feedback for the AnyCreek team? Please reach out!


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